Artist Profile






Fire into my veins
Is burning all the lies that you can't tame
Under my skin I got a feel
You are loosing your own game

I try to find a way
To get rid of these rubber bands
That drag me back inside the shadow
I no longer want to be

I don't care if you so me crawl
It's time now to let it go
I moved on so long ago
Just don't judge me behind your throne

Can't you see colors in my wings?
Changes, Changes
I don't mind flying through the wind
Changes, Changes

Piece of memory
Is floating in my head where I can see
The light I need to make it real
Don't let them disappear

Can't you see colors in my wings?
Changes, Changes
I don't mind flying through the wind
Changes, Changes
Can't you see colors in my wings?
Changes, Changes
I don't mind flying through the wind
Changes, Changes

Don't care if you so me crawl
It's time now to let it go
I moved on so long ago
Just don't judge me behind your throne

Can't you see colors in my wings?
Changes, Changes
I don't mind flying through the wind
Can't you see colors in my wings?
Changes, Changes
I don't mind flying through the wind
Changes, Changes Overcame


Artista: Simona Sansovini

etichetta: 11ALabel



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Music Tree è un servizio offerto da BUZLAB Grafica e Web - P.I. 02575360207

Note sul Copyright - I contenuti visualizzati sono di proprietà dei rispettivi artisti o di chi ne detiene i diritti. É vietata la riproduzione e la copia anche parziale, salvo autorizzazione.
Music Tree è un servizio offerto da BUZLAB Grafica e Web
P.I. 02575360207

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