My mom used to tell me to thrive
She wanted a perfect son and nothing else
Are you sure it'll work?
Will I respect your rules?
Will I be happy then?
What's "good" for you?
My mom used to tell me not to always play
Not to hide in my room playing
Don't waste your time
Music won't help you
Just you something cool
What's "good" for you?
I love wasting my time
I love wasting my life
I love wasting my time
What's "good" for you?
I live only once
So please let me live
You'll become just another broke musician
Your life should be studying and working
Are you sure it'll work?
Will I respect your rules?
Will I be happy then?
What's "good" for you?
Turn the volume down, I can't listen to the tv
I won't spend any more money for music
Don't waste your time
Music won't help you
Just you something cool
What's "good" for you?
I love wasting my time
I love wasting my life
I love wasting my time
What's "good" for you?
I live only once
So please let me live
I live only once
So please let me live
I live only once
So please let me live
I live only once
So please let me live
I live only once
So please let me live
The time is just a cheat made to hurry
But the past doesn't exist anymore and the future is yet to come
Take your time because you're wasting it'll be forever
Take your time and don't look at the time again
Time is life, live it now and not tomorrow
Time is life
I've always been looking at time
While I was waiting for someone
Telling to be early or teasing the others for being late
Take your time because you're wasting it'll be forever
Take your time and don't look at the time again
Time is life, live it now and not tomorrow
Time is life
Time is life, Time time is life
Time is life, Time is life
What you're doing in the present really matters
Or is just a line that divides past from the future
Whenever you'll listen to these words, they will be already old
But timeless will be my thought
Time is life, Time time is life
Time is life, Time is life
I close my eyes
I'm surrounded by ideas
I can not express
Something blocking me
I'm confused
I laugh not to cry
I'm wearing a wax mask
That's gonna melt somehow
Oh my song
I show my feeling
To the world without shame
My song
My song
Now you can play loud
I show my feeling
To the world without shame
My song
My song
Now you can play loud
My song
Now I can handle my feeling's
I put them on the table
And with this winning hand
I surprise my enemy
I show my feeling
To the world without shame
My song
My song
Now you can play loud
I show my feeling
To the world without shame
My song
My song
Now you can play loud
Quell'inquietudine, già la conosci oramai
Quell'inquietudine, né come allora né mai
Ti picchia in testa, fallire ancora non puoi
Forte di un diavolo, fuggir lontano tu vuoi
Aspro disgusto, liquore austero
Giorni bui tocca a te siedi in alto il gomito
Giorni bui tocca a te bevi un cielo indomito
Come allora tu, devi fuggire ora
I will scream to remove
I will scream to forget
I will scream to fell alive
I will scream to rewrite again
Lento risveglio, riflesso vivo in te
Volerai via da qui vedi libera immagine
Volerai via da qui strappi nere pagine
Quel libro in cui, scrivesti il peggio di te
I will scream to remove
I will scream to forget
I will scream to fell alive
I will scream to rewrite again
I will scream to remove
I will scream to forget
I will scream to fell alive
I will scream to rewrite again
I see people around me smiling, living a quiet life
Everyone built his own life, complete, full of love
Everyone smiles and makes kind gestures
I realize I'm not like them
Am I different?
Am I the black sheep?
I feel distant from all the others
Happy people in front of me
I see only falsehood
In this world of liars
You must learn to the truth
Why aren't the others behaving like me
It seems like gossiping about others is ok
It seems like telling things right in the face is rude
Do I have to behave like the others?
Happy people in front of me
I see only falsehood
In this world of liars
You must learn to the truth
Better shitting all over their backs when they can't see
Better saying the song is cool even if you don't like it
Better not to interfere if they're getting high
Better hugging someone even if you hate them
Everyone will speak well about you
Everyone will love you, this is how it works
If you are alone, you will miss someone
If you're not, you want to be free
You work and you miss time
You're free and would like to work
Hey you come and go
Hey you touch and run
You're young and you want to grow up
When you grown you regret your youth
You want to live elsewhere
When you're are away you want to come back home
Hey you come and go
Hey you touch and run
Live for what you have
Don't ask for anything else
Live for what you have
Don't ask for anything else
Enjoy the shades of your life
Nothing is taken for granted
And everything is a boon
Remember about happiness
Hey you come and go
Hey you touch and run
Live for what you have
Don't ask for anything else
Live for what you have
Don't ask for anything else
Live for what you have
Don't ask for anything else